
New Things

Wonderful post for the new year!


Forgetting the things that are past
Whatever they are; good or bad
For yesterday’s greatness cannot last
And past failures are not to be had

March then into the pleasant future
Looking at the things as yet unseen
Pressing and stretching without rupture
Let moving forward be your golden mean

Forward to what, wherewith our surges?
What should kindle our passion for action?
Paul to the rescue, he says not to strive
For feud or faction but to live and thrive

By this attaining the mark for the prize
The reason for our calling in Christ
An objective not of any certain rank or size
For the Throne assigns to each his own

Forward then to the fulfilment of purpose
Your purpose personalised by the Lord
Now with masterful mindfulness maximized
Soar to greater things in 2018 by the Word

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MOTIVATION · Uncategorized

What are Your Core Values?

I remember my first year as an undergraduate at Covenant University, we were asked to memorize the institution's core values. It seemed pointless at the time. I didn't understand why we were asked to do such. It wasn't until later in life that it dawned on me why it was so important for an institution/organisation… Continue reading What are Your Core Values?